4th GENMED Workshop on Medical Genomics
Duclaux Lecture Theater, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
19th & 20th of September 2022

The workshop will include talks from GENMED partners who will present their latest results in human disease genomics. The workshop is complemented by internationally renowned speakers whom will give general presentations in the field of “omic” research. The presentations will be grouped into a number of themed sessions presided by chairs to ensure an interactive workshop.
The Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx) MEDical GENomics - GENMED – has received 12M€ in funds through The French National Research Agency (ANR) Investissement d’avenir programme. Coordinated by Drs. Jean-François Deleuze & François Cambien the project will run from the 13th of April 2011 until the 31st of December 2022.
The Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx) MEDical GENomics - GENMED - is funded through The French National Research Agency (ANR) Investissement d’avenir programme. Coordinated by Drs. Jean-François Deleuze & François Cambien, GENMED involves the collaboration between three partners I) CEPH, II) CEA-CNG, III) INSERM/UPMC. The overall objectives of GenMed are 1) Collaborate in projects with a strong potential in medical genomics, 2) Increase the attractiveness of the genomic data, 3) Encourage interaction and communication between collaborators, 4) Develop synergies between research groups to enrich GENMED. GENMED aims to promote the development of competitive research projects in human diseases both nationally & internationally in the context of Medical Genomics by evaluating, developing and implementing NGS based technologies and methodologies together with integrated analysis of genomic data in a high-throughput production mode. In addition GENMED will participate towards education and training initiatives as well as promoting ethical aspects. In conclusion GENMED will be a catalyst in building structural foundations to implement and develop Medical Genomics in France and beyond.
The workshop on Medical Genomics aims at uniting the genomic community over two days and will include talks from GENMED partners who will present their latest results in human disease genomics. The presentations will be grouped into a number of themed sessions presided by chairs that will ensure discussion and interaction of participants, a key component of the workshop. The 19 th of September will be dedicated to GenMed and will include a discussion session on the future beyond GenMed. The 20 th of September will include internationally renowned speakers who will be invited to give general presentations covering broader and innovative topics in the field of “omic” research.
Confirmed Speakers Include:
Hugues Aschard, Institut Pasteur, Paris, FR
Thomas Bourgeron, Institut Pasteur, Paris, FR
George Davey Smith, University of Bristol, UK
Jean-François Deleuze, CNRGH – CEA, Evry, FR
Henri-Jean Garchon, INSERM-UVSQ, FR
Sophie Garnier, INSERM/UPMC, Paris, FR
Boris Hejblum, INSERM/Bordeaux Population Health, FR
Anthony Herzig, INSERM/Brest University, Brest, FR
Jean-Charles Lambert, Institut Pasteur, Lille, FR
Stanislas Lyonnet, IMAGINE Insitute, Paris, FR
Pierre Morange, INSERM-Hôpital de la Timone, Marseille, FR
Frédérique Nowak, INSERM, Paris, FR
Arang Rhie, NHGRI, Maryland, US
Antonio Vitobello, CHU Dijon-Bourgogne, FR
Registration Closed